Connecting People to grow with Knowledge and Technology



Sunday, September 6, 2020

My strong beliefs

 Ascension, Celestial, Planet, Heaven, Earth, Universe

My strong beliefs:

I believe that learning new technologies faster than others will make you better. 

In today’s scenario, you have to be in top 3 always in any specific area else you will be out of race.

To be competent either learn or upgrade to new things or change the area of specialization.

Those days are over when people used to work in one area for life!

Work in the area which is yielding results for you. It’s not necessary that everyone will get the same results. But there are more possibilities to get the same results if you follow the same procedure.

My view for you is to remain new as many times as possible.

Sparkler, Fireworks, Hand, Fourth Of July, Holiday

How to be new?

  1. Upgrade yourself - Increase or decrease something...
  2. Improve continuously
  3. Learn from experts. Best experts are your clients.
  4. Adopt change quickly
  5. Be the leader in the change or become first to implement
  6. Try, try but don’t cry.

Question: What is something you believe to be true that nobody else agrees with you on?

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