Connecting People to grow with Knowledge and Technology



Wednesday, March 11, 2020

🔐3 Secrets of Color code in Website🎨

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🔐3 Secrets of Color code in Website🎨
Do you think color matters in website?

Which color is most attractive for website?

💥 Secret #1: Color = Blue
57% people associate Blue color as Success 

According to statistics, men and women have a different opinion about the least successful colors.
Men dislike purple, women, in general, respond negatively to orange.
Bottom line, if you need your website to look successful – go with blue or green and stay away from orange and purple…

How many colors can I use in my website?

🎯 Secret #2: 1/2 Color only 
White background
I recommend 1 or 2 colors only.
People should feel the same layout or aesthetics when they visit your website.

Use white background for rich look & feel.

Which color Sirji recommends?

⚡ Secret #3: Google Colors

Follow the leader in the world.

Just refer colors recommended by Google.

Reg, Blue, Green, Yellow.
Google invested millions of funds with great designers.
Now you just follow without second thought!

Refer below link for Google color codes

Please refer below link for more info about color selection for website.

I have created a course 'Smart Website System' to help you to learn, implement & create an awesome website to encash your Knowledge & experiences.

Please refer for more details.

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