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Do you think website loading or speed of website matters?
What is the expectations of people about website?
💥 Secret #1: Website load in 2 seconds
54% people expect
54% of people expect websites to load in 2 seconds or less.
(Source: Blue Corona)
Wow! The more time it takes to load a website – the higher its bounce rate.
A website that loads in less than 2 seconds is a winner. And users are going to show their appreciation, as you’ll see.
You may already know this, but:
The human attention span is now shorter than that of a goldfish. In 2000, the average human attention span was 12 seconds. Then, smartphones came along. And guess what? In 2015 the average human attention span has dropped to 8.5 seconds. The hilarious thing is that a goldfish has an attention span of 9 seconds. Oh, well.
How to have first impression of your website?
🎯 Secret #2: Page load in less than 10 seconds
(Source: RED)
Indeed. If you think about it, even that sounds a bit too long. Sometimes we just click on a website, our brain scans the design, and then we leave.
I am sure you have had that experience…
Click and leave.
And then there are those “celebrity” websites we just can't take our eyes off. They are everything we wish for in a website – fast, fabulous, and fashionable. Their content seems perfectly organized, not to mention the pictures load fast and are just gorgeous.
I am certain you have had that experience as well (not necessarily in that kind of website, but still).
Yes, yes, design sells.
And that’s a good thing!
Does Speed of website matter for Google?
⚡ Secret #3: Google algorithm
Page ranks
Google has indicated that website speed is one of the signals used by its algorithms to rank pages.
(Source: MOZ)
Speeding up our websites is especially important! Faster sites make users happy.
If you are a website owner, here are a couple of free tools you can use to speed up your website:
Page Speed – here you can analyze and optimize your website speed.
Web Page Test – a different platform with the same goal – some users prefer this.
Yslow – this is a Yahoo web page analyzer which can help with suggestions for improving your website’s performance.
Use less images or elements on your home page to decrease page load.
Use technology, cloud hosting for increasing website speed.
I have created a course 'Smart Website System' to help you to learn, implement & create an awesome website to encash your Knowledge & experiences.
Please refer oa.ourarea.in/sws for more details.
How are you going to increase the speed of website?
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