Connecting People to grow with Knowledge and Technology



Tuesday, January 14, 2020

How & Why I became an Entrepreneur?

Dear friend,

I am sharing my personal True life experience with you. When my mentor asked me to share How & why I became an Entrepreneur, I went into flashback & recalled what exactly happened in my life!

18 years back, in May 2001, when I was working in an MNC in Nashik. I came back home for vacation to meet my family & friends.

One of my cousins, Sanju who was in 10th class. His parents came to my home asking for help to join Sanju to job in my company. They were requesting me to take him & join anywhere, as he is not good in studies also. Actually, he was physically weak and not good in academics. Frankly, even I also don’t had power to join anyone in MNC where I was working!  By nature, Sanju was introvert, speak less with others. 

Next day, 10th exam results were declared. I came to know that Sanju failed in 2 subjects - Maths & English. So I just thought to meet his parents for counselling. When I reached their home, I came to know that he is not yet come home. Even everyone were worried.

We said, we will check & search for him, please wait till evening. Even after 8 pm he couldn’t come home. I also worried a lot! My cousin went to meet his friends who saw him last time! 

One of his friends said, he saw Sanju going towards farmland. But that time it was 9 pm too late! We thought to search early in the morning.

Next day, we went to farmland at 6 am and started searching. We were divided into 6 groups and started searching for quick results. After 3 hours of searching, I found him laying on ground, he was dead! His body was completely deteriorated. He consumed poison!

First time in my life I saw a dead person closely. I called all my friends & cousins for help. When we were lifting his body, we couldn’t manage well. 

That time I thought this is all because of me. Because of me Sanju committed suiside! I was not able to give him a job. I was feeling responsible for this. Even after my relatives were told that it’s not your fault, but my heart was not accepting.

That day, I decided! I took decision to work for needy people. I decided to help people with Knowledge. I decided to quit job & became an Entrepreneur.

In Aug 2001, I resigned from MNC where I worked for 14 months!
I came to Pune for Higher education & better opportunity to serve people in Education & Entrepreneurship.

Friend, actually Entrepreneurship is a journey with highest roadblocks.

I decided and started to work with only 1 thought process → ‘How to Study Smarter, Not Harder?’

I got great results in academics. Even, I stood first in Pune University in Post Graduate in Engineering.

There after I began my journey as an Entrepreneur, Digital coach, author, trainer etc. 

Now completely dedicated for the single Mission to help 1,00,000 people to encash knowledge and grow using Technology by 2020.

Hey friend, I need your help to help yourself or others who wish to succeed in life using technology.

Please share our information or website to the needy people who wish to be Smarter!
Please comment as ‘#OurArea’ if you wish Our Area / Society to be stress free and great knowledge sharing area. I read every comment of you.

Be awesome & Smart!

Take Care

Sirji - Mahesh Hasarmani

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